
Stacks and Queues


A stack is a linear data structure that stores items in a Last-In/First-Out (LIFO) or First-In/Last-Out (FILO) manner. In stack, a new element is added at one end and an element is removed from that end only. The insert and delete operations are often called push and pop.


The functions associated with stack are:



A queue is a collection of objects that supports fast first-in, first-out (FIFO) semantics for inserts and deletes. The insert and delete operations sometimes called enqueue and dequeue. Unlike lists or arrays, queues typically don’t allow for random access to the objects they contain.

Queues are similar to stacks and the difference between them is in removing items:

With a queue you remove the item least recently added (first-in, first-out or FIFO); and with a stack you remove the item most recently added (last-in, first-out or LIFO).

Performance-wise, a proper queue implementation is expected to take O(1) time for insert and delete operations. These are the two main operations performed on a queue and they should be fast in a correct implementation.

Queues have a wide range of applications in algorithms and to solve scheduling, as well as parallel programming problems.

There are various functions available in this module:

Enqueue Operation

Queues maintain two data pointers, front and rear. Therefore, its operations are comparatively difficult to implement than that of stacks.

The following steps should be taken to enqueue (insert) data into a queue −

Step 1 − Check if the queue is full.

Step 2 − If the queue is full, produce overflow error and exit.

Step 3 − If the queue is not full, increment rear pointer to point the next empty space.

Step 4 − Add data element to the queue location, where the rear is pointing.



Here is the pseudocode for the enqueue method:

ALGORITHM enqueue(value)
// INPUT <-- value to add to queue (will be wrapped in Node internally)
// OUTPUT <-- none
node = new Node(value) <-- node
rear <-- node

Dequeue Operation

Accessing data from the queue is a process of two tasks − access the data where front is pointing and remove the data after access. The following steps are taken to perform dequeue operation −

Step 1 − Check if the queue is empty.

Step 2 − If the queue is empty, produce underflow error and exit.

Step 3 − If the queue is not empty, access the data where front is pointing.

Step 4 − Increment front pointer to point to the next available data element.



Here is the pseudocode for the dequeue method:

ALGORITHM dequeue()
// INPUT <-- none
// OUTPUT <-- value of the removed Node
// EXCEPTION if queue is empty

Node temp <-- front
front <-- <-- null

return temp.value

Peek O(1)

When conducting a peek, you will only be inspecting the front Node of the queue.

Typically, you want to check isEmpty before conducting a peek. This will ensure that an exception is not raised. Alternately, you can wrap the call in a try/catch block.


Here is the pseudocode for a peek

// INPUT <-- none
// OUTPUT <-- value of the front Node in Queue
// EXCEPTION if Queue is empty

return front.value